What is Reflect?
Reflect is a JavaScript coded bot, aimed to help out staff with moderation commands and users with fun commands.
When did Reflects life begin?
Reflect began in 2018 as a test bot called RC_2001 which was just something to mess about with and have fun. As time went on and more commands got added it was clear a revamp was needed. RC_2001 became known as Reflect at the end of February 2019 and coded in discord.py. Reflect at this current time is helping over 400,000 discord users spread across 83 servers. The goal for Reflect is to make Discord a safer place for everyone that uses it.
In 2019 Reflect got verified on Discord Bots (RC_2001 got verified as well as a bot developer).
In 2020 Reflect became an approved bot by https://top.gg/.
On October 1st 2020 Reflect got verified by discord which now means it has the little white tick next to bot. This is an amazing accomplishment for all of us at WarHawk Development!
In 2021 Reflect surpassed all of the original goals and is now supporting over 400,000 users which is an incredible achievement.
In 2022 Reflect was re-coded into JavaScript to be compatible with the new slash commands introduced by Discord. Reflect will be starting with just moderation and utility commands however over the next few months majority of the previous commands will be added back on as they were in 2021 and years before.
The decision to move from Discord.py to Discord.js was due to the developers of Discord.py not doing a library for slash commands at the time and the Discord deadline fast approaching.